Friday, July 3, 2015

I have been getting a bit of physical therapy on my jaw, and it is definitely painful and tiring.  There is a lot of hands-on exercises (stretching the muscles, opening and closing, etc), and I can't say it feels too good.  But, I know it will help.

On top of the jaw, I have been having some of my previous stomach issues arise again.  For the past three days, I have not been able to keep food down (even my liquid diet of soups and smoothies), and throwing up is not the best exercise for my jaw!  It is quite painful and the nerves get very agitated.  So, as of now, I am eating very little.

Next week, I am headed back to Denver to see the surgeon to get my belly button stitches removed, and of course see how I am healing.  It's been a journey...

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