Sunday, July 26, 2015

Recovery is Long

Although it has been a painful summer, I do have one thing to look forward to--my family and I are visiting Arizona to see Taylor Swift and the Grand Canyon in mid-August.  I am very excited!  I love family vacations, and this is just what I need.  Today, just two days after the surgery and heavy bleeding, I am so sore.  My chest is insanely bruised, and I have to keep constant pressure with a bandage and ice until Monday night.  

The weird thing about pain is, even if you experience a very large amount of it for a long time, it still feels terrible.  I have been in terrible pain for over 6 years, and it still surprises me how much pain my body can produce.  I am hoping after recovery, my pain will subside a bit due to a new jaw.  I have to go back to Denver on Wednesday (for the seventh time this summer) to check up with the doctor.

It's just time to keep on keeping on!

This is my bruised chest two days after surgery 

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