Saturday, May 30, 2015

I had my pre-op appointment on Thursday, and all is well.  Surgery is still happening on Wednesday, June 3.  There are still some things that are up in the air.  If the doctor cannot get my bite close enough, he will need to do a procedure on my left side, where he takes a chunk out of my jaw and puts a metal plate in.  If the left side is operated on, recovery will be much longer.  The jaw will be banded shut no matter what, but how long and to what extent is still to be determined.

Here are some pictures of my left jaw (which does not have degenerative arthritis) and my right jaw joint.

Here is my healthy left joint. It is rounded at the top.

Now, here is my right side. Was you can see, it is disintegrated. 
This is a side by side of my left and right jaw, but opposite. 
(left picture is right jaw--right picture is left jaw)

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